Galloping Weather’s………

20170603_130943-1[1]A tough day at the office for all concerned and possibly our lowest ebb as a Galloping Weka’s with Skyweka’s race on a heavy 11 track last Saturday.  That was no fun for anyone – least of all our mare.  Weather conditions were extreme and I don’t think anybody expected the track to be so bad.

The shopping list at the Galloping Weka Inn included some sweeteners to cheer us all up.

I’m not going to write too much about this episode in Skyweka’s career – it isn’t worth dwelling on.  Whenever Skyweka has a race we often view the replays several times – but not this time, once was enough.  The good news is that Skyweka is OK and working well and Tony Pike  is planning for a race at Ruakaka in a couple of weeks, so watch this space.

Morweka is also preparing for an outing – possibly at Te Teko next week.  More news as it comes to hand.

Starweka is having her winter break at Longlands stud.  Something nice did happen at the Galloping Weka Inn on Saturday.  We made a presentation to Galloping Weka Jean Laing for the naming of Starweka.  Jean accepted the prize on behalf of herself and Gay Sutherland.  We love the name and it is fitting with the big white star blaze marking Starweka carries on her forehead.  Thank you Jean and Gay


Jean Laing accepts the prize on behalf of behalf of herself and Gay Sutherland for the naming of Starweka. Alongside is Janine Wallace with her baby Weka (grandaughter) Sienna