Wekaforce Preparation for the 1000 Guineas progressing Nov 2018

There are many question marks, many comments, many opinions from all quarters in regard to Wekaforce’s potential to contest the 1600 metre 1000 Guineas on the 17th November.  The field comprises of some extremely talented fillies and is now down to twenty five runners with Emily Margaret, Melt and Xpression in the top three slots.  Our trainer Tony Pike has decided to push on with her preparation and Wekaforce is thriving.  We appreciate very much the efforts being put in by Tony’s foreman, Miranda Duthie. Weka 4 and Miranda Miranda is a natural horsewoman with many years of experience, and she has a lovely way with the horses.  Wekaforce and Miranda have a great working relationship. In Miranda’s words; “Wekaforce pretty much keeps to herself and nothing bothers her.  She is a very gentle and kind girl and loves to be brushed in the afternoons.  When out working on the track she is very professional and of course when it is raceday it is “Game On”. She is a pleasure to work with and to have in the stable”.   Thank you Miranda for taking such good care of her.

Miranda sent through these pictures of Wekaforce.  Unfortunately  the weather was overcast with rain and wind, so these shots were taken in the stable.  The Force is really maturing into a lovely three year old and don’t you love those ears!!!!

Weka 4 3rd Nov 2018 2Weka4 Nov 2018 H

“Don’t ask questions about me – I’m Good! So There!”


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