Happy Birthday CC Weka – 2YO today! Weka Sisters Update

Morweka, Hattie, CC Weka, Brooke, Wekaforce – Carrot Cake for birthday dinner
Happy Birthday Sis – from Wekaforce
happy Birthday Sis from Morweka

CCWeka turns two years old today and she is going great guns at Terri’s place. Here she is working on the open grass track for the first time. Nothing fazes her – she takes everything in her stride. She is growing fast and has a way to go to strengthen up, however already she is bigger than both of her older sisters. Her education will continue for a few more weeks before she takes a small break to be pampered at Terri’s farm. Today, 25/9/20, is her second birthday – an extra carrot and a bit of a fuss is on the cards from Team Rae.

Yes the Weka Sisters are having a nice time at Terri’s place, and our thoughts have been all things Weka over the past week. Team Wallace encountered a few quirky Wekas during their visit to beautiful Te Pukatea Bay in the Able Tasman National Park last week. These NZ Native birds are quirky and confident around humans and observing them in their natural environment took us back on a trip down memory lane as to how our racing Syndicates got the name, ‘The Galloping Wekas’. It was during a holiday in the Marlborough Sounds, Joseph Wallace took note of these fast, quirky independent birds who spent time foraging for food, skipping out of distance and endeavouring to play golf and scarper off with the golf balls. There was even a story that one of the birds grabbed a pair of undies and took off with them.

Yes – we think Wekas are Winners! Pictured above Les Wallace, Joe Wallace and Janine Wallace

Trainer Terri Rae has a family of Wekas hanging out at her place – Morweka, Wekaforce and CC Weka, who also have their quirky ways. Temperament wise they are all relaxed, confident, determined and they are happy being fussed over.

Morweka and Wekaforce – loving each other off track – but will they have to compete on track??
The Weka Sisters get to spend a bit of time together – here they are off to the paddock for the day

As the weeks unfold heading towards the November Cup Meeting at Riccarton, it appears that there is a possibility Morweka and Wekaforce could end up contesting a race alongside each other at some point in time.  Ideally this is not what we would hope or plan for, but  in view of the racing programme it may be inevitable. The Stewards and the Pegasus and a trip to Trentham are all on the cards this spring/summer. Wekaforce will kick off her campaign next weekend on the 3rd October at Riccarton. Morweka’s aim is Ashburton on the 18th Oct. Watch this space ……

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