Cee Cee Heading towards a Trial

Terri is well pleased with CC Weka who joined her mate in a very ‘tidy’ jump out last week. Terri reports that ‘CC jumped out of the gates and did really really good! She had a good ‘pingaway’! CC will head off to the trials in the next few weeks – so it is all starting to happen’, said our happy trainer. All syndicate members will be looking forward a a bit of action as will CC. Her first real outing on the track will be a good experience for her and is all part of her education in building confidence so that she knows what she is there for.

Just a heads up that we watched a documentary about the horse Dream Alliance – a thoroughbred horse whose efforts on the racetrack uplifted a whole community in Wales.

The documentary is well worth watching as you get to meet the real people behind this wonderfully uplifting story about a horse and the syndicate owners who shared this racing experience, which began with one woman’s dream and her determination to follow it through. It is a true life story of all the people who joined her to give Dream Alliance his chance to shine on the racetrack. We feel that the Galloping Weka Syndicate has some similarities in that we have all joined forces to hopefully fulfil our dream of racing a really good filly in Cee Cee. We thoroughly enjoyed viewing this doco which you can access through the app Beamafilm or on You Tube if you have an account. Alternatively go to the movies this week to see the British made movie version – something we are planning to do later in the week.

A movie has been made and just released about this marvellous horse and the syndicate owners who were all carried along like a leaf flowing downstream in a fast and sometimes slow moving river, as the events and life story unfold. A dream horse who furnished into a winning ‘miracle’ horse for his owners.

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